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人有目標, 努力去突破.
但是當完成/達到目的時, 很快地一股失落感取代了成就感

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Subject: 結婚前後

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一位當醫生的朋友說他之前外遇對象是網路上認識原本要一夜情而已,一位長得很漂亮的女老師.女生問他要不要變成固定的性伴侶,結果變成長達2年的關係. 據說曾是大學班對多年的老婆仍不知這個人人稱羨的好老公好爸爸的私下這一面. 我想這個先生當然愛他的老婆/家庭/小孩. 只是戀上偷情的刺激. 想要魚也要熊掌.但是如果不愛家庭/小孩的..有些人通常就拋妻棄子.

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MAX & JOY  11:30AM
一早還睡過頭, 趕忙和patricia 去圓山教堂. 幸好沒遲到很久, 前排還有幾個位置

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下午經過一間近天祥路鼎中路交叉口的麵包店, 便停下進口買個小蛋榚, 從機車置物箱拿了錢包便進去店裏
進去發現只有3種小蛋榚可以選 (種類好少哦).店員小姐說每種都45元. 但是因為時間來不及去對面的生力美食, 只好挑了一個

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Moving On

Losing love can be painful for anyone. But if it's your first real love and the relationship ends before you want it to, feelings of loss can seem overwhelming. Like the feelings of passion early in the relationship, the newness and rawness of grief and loss can be intense — and devastating. There's a reason why they call it a broken heart.

When a relationship ends, people really need support. Losing a first love isn't something we've been emotionally prepared to cope with. It can help to have close friends and family members to lean on. Unfortunately, lots of people — often adults — expect younger people to bounce back and "just get over it." If your heart is broken , find someone you can talk to who really understands the pain you're going through.

It seems hard to believe when you're brokenhearted that you can ever feel better. But gradually these feelings grow less intense. Eventually, people move on to other relationships and experiences.

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周姐是同一天生日和小邦邦差一天....好多金牛寶寶 ^_^

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看了有效期限95.4.27~10.27, 才想起來是前男友帶來的,請我們喝的

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現在仍在等某個貴婦做完身体SPA回家 (真是享受 ^_^)
下午要去夢時代見識見識, 和台南新光新天地不知有沒有很像呢?

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Sipder Man 1 &2 are the first 2 successful movies.

Today I went to see Spider Man 3. Sandman and venom are the new villains.  Tobey McGuire did a great job playing Peter parker. He is really act out Peter so well.And I hope this is the last spder man movie. BTW, James died in spider man 3, how could they do without him. It will be hard to continue the series with this main character replaced.

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攝影大師小邦邦要下來高雄~~~我計畫是騎著我的100CC 沿路吃喝(不知小邦邦..體重有沒有增加?)

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今天小哥請吃中飯, 之後再去參觀他要賣的房子67坪五房含車位,
空間很大, 小朋友可以跑來跑去, 連床也是KING SIZE, 可以在上面滾來滾去好幾圈 ^^

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搬到表妹新買的房子, 屋內擺設和家電, 表妹己陸續添購完成

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這幾天不能看別人的msn 分享資料, 連自己的也不能開

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原大樓的管理員, 看著我們2個女生來來回回搬走家當, 當我們原車回大樓來搬第二次時,
他老人家說: 還沒搬完呀!  接著又看到我們要搬第三次, 他不可思議說: 你們2個女生才住2年

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